Free Shit

How many times have you been putting together a Christmas card, looking for a desktop image for work or for whatever reason needed an image of someone’s shit? You hop on Google images, get lucky and find the perfect crap pic. But then you realize that you are unable to use it because of some restrictive license agreement or copyright claim on it?

Man that singes my nut hair.

My Shitty Gift To The World

Maybe its the holiday spirit getting to me. Maybe I am turning soft in my old age. Maybe all these copyright obsessed blogger faggots pissed me off enough to get off my ass and do something. Or maybe, just maybe, my syphillis has entered the 3rd stage.

Whatever the case; I have come to the rescue of all your shit pic needs. I have opened my anus and open sourced the resulting images. I just donated today’s shit image to the Wikimedia Foundation under some hippie/free-love you can use it all you want license.

Here’s the link to the feces photo I gave humanity.

Now, for obvious reasons I can’t just give away the store and provide every shit pic for you to use in whatever demented way your disgusting mind can envision. I mean, this blog, like everyone elses’ is a goldmine and I must protect my copyright on the images of my feces. If you even vaguely describe what one of my turd pics looks like to some one else without my express written consent, I will beat you to death with your own rectum and/or file a cease and desist order (whichever is the legal remedy in your jurisdiction).

So, while you can’t just stroll in here and copy images of poop wily nily, you can head over to the Wikimedia site, and get that perfect shit pic for whatever nefarious use you have.

No one gives a fourth of a cum covered turd what you think, but please don't let that stop you from spreading your insightful wit to the world by commenting below. Or fuck, you're such a pussy-eating faggot you're probably interested in the rss feed of this shitty site. Oy vey.


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All I ask is that, like AIDS and slavery, only be used to perform good in the world.