The Reverse Singularity

What percentage of the population do you think, has worn a concert T-shirt bought at said concert?

My initial thought was the low to mid teens: 1 in 8, 1 in 6 people, right? But then I remembered something very insightful I once heard:


Creativity Of The Average Turd

Very insightful indeed.

Obviously, I had made significant miscalculations in determining humanity’s coefficient of uncreativitiness. I do that a lot. Every time I see someone still wearing Zubaz I remember how I miscalculated that fad. Every time I see a woman my age with a rock hard, hair sprayed, poofy pompadour and t-shirt sleeves meticulously rolled up–just as she has done every year since she was a high school sophomore in the early nineties–makes me reminisce about how cool I never was. As pessimistic as I am, I still give humanity too much credit.

A lot of things make me remember that I am hardly ever in the lowest common denominator and should never underestimate the obliviousness of people who are. Doesn’t make me mad, it’s just entertaining. There’s just something about people who claim to be expressing their individuality by doing something that everyone else does that makes my asshole hungry for loving.

I got bored and decided to see how many blogs had the word blogging in them. In the last year; 50,000 to 75,000 tops right? Maybe 100,000. Nope. Off by a factor of 264.

In the last year 26,417,344 blog posts had the term ‘blogging’ in them. Today alone, which hasn’t ended by the way, there have been 1,741,547 blog posts with the term blogging in them.

Here are a few of the gems the world has been blessed with blogging in them:

Blogging With A Purpose

Learning Through Blogging

Rhythm Blogging

This Thing Called Blogging

Speed Blogging

She’s Blogging Now

Each one a must read. Morpheus was wrong, we don’t have to worry about the singularity. We are never going to reach a moment where artificial intelligence is able to build upon itself creating an omnipotent, sentient being that will enslave humanity. That would require us being collectively smart and creative enough to design and build that first iteration of intelligent machines.

Yeah, that’s not a fear we need to have. What we need to fear is the reverse singularity, the uningularity, the nullarity. That’s when we are going to effectively be enslaved by our own unintellgence which is regressing. Our de-evolution is rapidly occurring. Human creativity and intelligence has been contracting for some time it won’t be long until it reaches zero and we are all wallowing in both our figurative and our literal shit.

No one gives a fourth of a cum covered turd what you think, but please don't let that stop you from spreading your insightful wit to the world by commenting below. Or fuck, you're such a pussy-eating faggot you're probably interested in the rss feed of this shitty site. Oy vey.


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Screw STEM, we need to get more women into Elvis and Cher impersonation. The gender gap in those industries makes Kaitlyn Jenner want to puke on her own dick.