Pull The Plug
It always makes my vulva throb whenever I am watching the T.V. news and the cocksuckers refer me to their web site to get information necessary to the sound bite they just read. Like when they tell me I should call a government department or visit a certain organization’s web site for more information and then the dicklickers flash the T.V. station’s url and tell me to go there where they have links to that information.

So to get the information that was deathly important 2 seconds ago, I have to go to my computer, boot it up, log on, open a browser, type in their url, try and find a link to the internal page they set up for this and then hopefully get the information they could have shown me for 3 seconds instead of that fucking ‘visit our site for more information’ graphic.
Of course that would have made them trim down the weather to just 16 minutes 57 seconds of their 30 minute newscast.
Now the fucking newspapers are following suit. Pick up a newspaper and see what I mean. And by ‘pick up’ I mean go to a recycling dumpster or maybe the library or visit an elderly person who’s mentally incapable of canceling their subscription, so you can read the paper without having to spend one cent on it. Of course, if you make even 1/10th of minimum wage it will still be a rip off in terms of your time.
These fuckers are doing it too. Papers are going from 5 sections down to 2, going to 5 or 6 days a week instead of 7, using the AP feed more and more to fill their space, laying off reporters left and right, and the salvation to their imminent demise are blogs. Show me where these newspaper companies’ graves are going to be so I can be the first in line to piss on them.
Specifically I will use The Kansas City Star as an example, but I have seen this all over the country. When you get an actual hard copy newspaper the stories each have a caption at the end referring you to their website to read updates to this story via their blog and enticing you to comment on the story there as well. Worse, I have seen pages of some newspapers dedicated to their self selected best posts from their website from the prior day. Even worse than that worse, I have seen user comments about particular blog posts show up in their fucking print editions.
Nineteen. The Kansas City Star has 19 blogs. After the last round of layoffs, I don’t think they have 19 reporters anymore. I don’t think today’s paper was 19 pages. But no, those 19 blogs are going to save you. Those are the key to your future.
Let me preemptively (but not by much) say, good riddance and fuck off.
No one gives a fourth of a cum covered turd what you think, but please don't let that stop you from spreading your insightful wit to the world by commenting below. Or fuck, you're such a pussy-eating faggot you're probably interested in the rss feed of this shitty site. Oy vey.
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