As Creative As A Something Or Other

I was once on a job interview where the Human Resources Whore told me that in their organization creativity is a key to success and even in her position of being a Human Resources Whore, she often had to think outside the box to effectively do her job. She then asked me if I would describe my creative ability as ‘thinking outside the box’.

My exact answer was:

Oh dear jesus Christ, no. In fact, I openly mock and ridicule those who do. You do realize you just described you’re creative ability with a cliché? Right? A cliché—a hackneyed, uncreative recycled expression? And that’s what you used to describe your creative ability. So, no. No, I wouldn’t say I think outside the box.

Crapping Outside The Toilet

I didn’t get the job.

I am a huge fan of human communication, in the same manner I am a huge fan of automobile fatalities, church fires, people getting hit in the balls and blogs. Human communication is no longer about conveying ideas between and among people. It’s about saying the right idioms, stringing together multi-syllabic words without regard for logic and saying what people expect you to. If you really pay attention to what people say you will notice its 95% gibberish. Sure its grammatically correct, uses actual words, but taken together there’s no message or there’s 8 messages all working against another.

Outside the box’. That just cracks me up every time I hear it. We developed a cliché to describe our creativity. Delicious. No one thinks twice about using it to brag about themselves, they actually think it’s a boast of their abilities. Better still is the listener usually accepts it as the speaker intended–as a testament to their creativity.

We all play our part in this charade of communication. I love it.

I was pretty sure I wouldn’t be disappointed if I googled it to see how often it has appeared in blog posts in 2009. And I wasn’t. Its been used about 80,000 times this year. 3,100 times in the last 24 hours.

We just can’t stop uncreatively raving about how creative we are.

No one gives a fourth of a cum covered turd what you think, but please don't let that stop you from spreading your insightful wit to the world by commenting below. Or fuck, you're such a pussy-eating faggot you're probably interested in the rss feed of this shitty site. Oy vey.


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Good luck shaming me; I pride myself on how unashamed I am about how little pride I have.