The Real Swine Flu Epidemic

I hate to keep raping a dead horse, but I just stumbled upon something terrifying about swine flu. Its growth rate is alarming, look at these numbers:

Shit Normal, All Fucked Up

3 years ago:   3 cases
1 year ago:   62 cases
1 month ago:   1,634 cases
1 week ago:   10,278 cases
1 day ago:   1,457,942 cases

And by ‘cases’ I mean references to it on shitty blogs. Now, I don’t have a Masters in Mathematics (I just barely graduated Summa Cum Laude as an undergrad in it), but I think the correct term for that type of rapid increase is ‘expofuckinghugetric’.

The literal swine flu virus has figuratively gone viral. It has infected our collective conscious, attacking our ability to be immune to bullshit stories; which, lets face it, was already in a weakened state from all the crap T.V. we watch, our shitty educational system and our natural tendencies to be dumbfucks and read blogs.

Blame all the Mexicans you want, but the real people to blame for this horrible epidemic are all the fucking people with shitty blogs who won’t shut the fuck up about it.

No one gives a fourth of a cum covered turd what you think, but please don't let that stop you from spreading your insightful wit to the world by commenting below. Or fuck, you're such a pussy-eating faggot you're probably interested in the rss feed of this shitty site. Oy vey.


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I don't know if "gullible" is in the dictionary, but I do know "apt" is.
Look it up.