Ass Placebo
How many lives do you think those paper toilet seat protectors have saved? You know the kind people meticulously layout over a public toilet seat before they squat there prissy little ass down to take a shit?

I’m guessing it has to be at least 3 billion. And that’s just this millennium. Its a medical fact that 90% of all deaths in a year can be directly or indirectly attributed to the non or misuse of toilet seat protectors.
When will people learn?
I also heard that was one of the ways the Germans exterminated Jews. One line went to the showers, one line to the gas chambers and one line to an infected toilet seat they all had to use without the magically, medical assistance of a paper toilet seat protector.
Paper toilet seat protectors–what a load of shit. Just another of the many placebos we sell ourselves.
Exactly what diseases are communicable through a toilet seat? Are there any? If so, what diseases are communicable through a toilet seat but not communicable through a toilet seat covered in a thin, porous piece of paper?
If that shitty piece of paper is so great at preventing the spread of disease then why aren’t condoms and sanitary gloves made of it?
And, not to brag, but my ass is water tight. That’s right, in the shower it just beads up and rolls off it. My ass isn’t a sponge just soaking up everything it comes in contact with directly allowing it into my bloodstream.
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