Science Fair Blogging Project


To see how many times in the history of blogging it has got someone laid.

I Blog, Therefore I Beat Off


Not once, in the history of the internet has a guy gotten pussy because of his blog.


Google exact phrases that would verify someone has gotten laid/blown because of their blog. Then, verify each returned citation by checking the page for the context in which it appears.


Search Term Results

‘sex because of my blog’ 0
‘pussy because of my blog’ 1a
‘laid because of my blog’ 0
‘ass because of my blog’ 0
‘girlfriend because of my blog’ 0
‘wife because of my blog’ 0
‘bj because of my blog’ 0
‘blowjob because of my blog’ 0
‘laid because of this blog’ 2b
‘blown because of this blog’ 0
‘girlfriend because of this blog’ 0
‘sex because of this blog’ 0
‘my blog got me laid’ 2c
‘my blog got me sex’ 0
‘my blog got me a blowjob’ 0
a. unable to confirm, no blog attached to poster of this

b. both mocking questions

c. 1 was wishful thinking–hoping it would happen, the other did occur, but the person was already an acquaintance.


In the history of the internet, never have the majority of the phrases I searched for been typed. The few that had were said mockingly. And the once time I did find someone who did get laid, he already knew the bitch. Ergo, blogging is gay.

No one gives a fourth of a cum covered turd what you think, but please don't let that stop you from spreading your insightful wit to the world by commenting below. Or fuck, you're such a pussy-eating faggot you're probably interested in the rss feed of this shitty site. Oy vey.


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Actually no one died and elected me god, I usurped it.