Life’s Crappy Theater

I will beat the sight out of the next deaf motherfucker who wants me to buy some crappy flower because he thinks his deaf ass can’t work. Then they will experience a real handicap.

Today was like the 3rd time that’s happened to me—and with a different mute each time. I am eating lunch and some fuck walks around passes out these small, crappy flowers out to everyone in the restaurant. Attached is a note saying that he’s deaf and this is how he supports himself.

Deaf Bums Make My Shit Coagulate

So I told that hearless shit to read my lips and get a fucking job.

Deafness is like a sprained ankle—a nuisance at worst. Oh sure you have to limp and people have to take their time with you and some things are harder, but life doesn’t end because your foot ballooned up and turned purple. Same thing with being deaf.

Blind people would give their right arm to be deaf instead. And people without a right arm would give their left eye to have their right arm. Fuck you deaf people, you get no pity from me.

What really abscesses my rectum is that he did get pity, his scam worked. There are so many unthinking people in the world. Charity is like a play where a bunch of self-serving fucks come together to leech off each other in a charade of humanity.

The deaf guy, he got money out of it. All the fucks who didn’t give 2 shits about a deaf guy 1 minute before he handed them a shitty flower got to think they did a good deed and gave their ego a shot of delusion. Transaction complete, everyone’s happy.

Its not that I hate deaf people or bums or people who want to do good, I hate the whole theater everyone puts on in doing so. Too many situations in life seem scripted because everyone plays their part so precisely without thinking. Everyone has their role. Everyone has their lines. Everyone’s action rehearsed. But no one thinks, no one actually pays attention to what goes on. No one ever stops the production and says, “Hey wait a minute cocksucker. You’re only deaf. Go get a real fucking job. Be a mailman, a computer programmer, a fry cook, a data entry monkey, a janitor.. ”.

Nope. Everyone just recites the next line in their script and pats themselves on the back for doing such a good job.

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My absolute fear in life is not burning enough bridges. I cringe at everyone I never called a stupid, puss-oozing cunt who should suck my cock.