The Cirlce Of Shit

Now, I may be dating myself (possibly date raping myself if I don’t willingly give it up—of course have you seen how I dress? I’m usually asking for it) but remember in the mid-90’s when everyone was getting rich by selling phone cards? Well, maybe not the rich part, but everyone was selling them.

Hawking them on the bulletin board at work, mentioning they had them, putting ads in the local weekly, stapling signs to telephone poles so that you could call them to buy them at rates only they could offer.

Another Round Of Shit Please

Then the pyramid began to grow. Sellers recruited other sellers and in turn became suppliers. Then vultures dropped in and started selling the new sellers phone card vending machines. Others scavengers started brokering deals between sellers and locations (malls, gas stations) to sell phone cards through them. I even remember seeing classes/seminars/books being offered to teach people how to make money selling phone cards.

A shitty industry was being built upon a shitty industry. People finally found a way to make money off phone cards—not by selling them directly, but by moving up a level and selling to sellers who were chasing riches themselves.

That’s where blogs are now–everyone is going to get rich blogging. Except that no one is getting rich blogging, not even those who sell shit to others to teach them how to get rich blogging.

83.7 million.

83.7 million.

83.7 million. That’s how many results you get when you google ‘make money blogging‘. Try it, then visit a link. I guarantee you on the site you go to there will be an ad about a referral program, and/or an ad for a link exchange system and/or an ad for a company that will direct traffic to your blog and/or an ad selling ads on blogs and/or an ad selling resource material about how to make money blogging.

I know it was a wise man (me) who once said, The only thing history teaches us is that we are too fucking stupid to learn from it.

No one gives a fourth of a cum covered turd what you think, but please don't let that stop you from spreading your insightful wit to the world by commenting below. Or fuck, you're such a pussy-eating faggot you're probably interested in the rss feed of this shitty site. Oy vey.


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I find it disgusting that all epithets for black people are off limits. That itself is racist. So, with great pride I am offering the world a politically correct derogatory term for blacks: "N-worders". If you must, "N-worder Americans".